State management for smart managers

One of the main personal abilities that should be obvious when we are talking about managers is the ability to manage emotional state of mind that drives everything. We experience various emotions through our days and there are certain states we want to be able to trigger in ourselves before we begin any task like the sense of humor, enthusiasm, and excitement and there are also certain states we want to be able to avoid, like the feeling of anxiety, stress, and massive uncertainty. Whenever you master your own state, you will be able to use this same concept to master external circumstances. You have the ability to manage your physiological and mental state, no matter what is going on around you at the time because your corporate career will be affected by your mood disturbances. Your state impacts how you behave at the moment. There are a number of ‘positive’ states that lead to wealth and success, and then there are ‘negative’ states that are disempowering and will undermine your success as a successful person. You can sit in a comfortable position, smile, and motivate your self through positive affirmations, and that what we mean by controlling your state through physiology and mind. We should experience Positive States like:
  • Certainty and confidence
  • Clarity and sense of vision
  • Self-esteem and love
  • Courage and being able to stay calm
We should control our Negative States like:
  • Uncertainty as well as overthinking
  • Fear and visualizing bad things that might happen
  • Greed and remembering awful memories over and over.
  • Overwhelming and exaggerating due to a negative mental attitude.

There are certain Essentials and elements of State Management

There are 3 elements to state management:
  • Mental Focus and what do you say to yourself.
  • Physiology and how you use your body, gestures, eyes, and voice.
  • Emotions and cognitive bias.
You alter or invest any state by changing these three elements anytime. — what you choose to focus on as well as the thoughts you have chosen to think about, the movement of your body, are you sitting confidently or poorly and the emotional bias towards celebrating or being pessimistic. You will always create multiple emotions as a result of your everyday choices. If you choose to focus on negative incidents, failures, and aspects of your life and then matched your physiology like putting your head down, you are going to end up feeling disappointed and disempowered. So our advice will always be, stay focusing on positive aspects of your life, and match your physiology by deep breaths and smiling, and on that particular lovely moment, you will feel energized by your successful stories in your past.

The Four  ideal emotions begin by the letter c, so we call them the 4C’s:

There are certain states that you should feel every day to empower you like:
  • Committed to feel Certainty
  • Capable of sense Clarity
  • Counting on Confidence
  • Capturing the pulse of Courage

Managing Your State through your choices and 5 senses.

You should choose to see, hear, watch, touch, smell and experience positive things, people, places and events only So let’s talk further about neuro-psychology and The 5 main Modalities Of emotional  State building. THE 5 influential senses OF STATE are the ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. The critical key to managing your state is to identify what do you like and excites you as well as understanding the modalities that influence you. Some of us when the remember encouraging words from friends they feel better(auditory persons), while others get excited when they remember vivid pictures of the last vacation(visual persons) and so on. So write down 3 main positive memories and live in the memory as if you were there. See, hear, smell, feel, touch, and taste every single detail that was there so that you can feel an association with the memory.

Another training for self-mastery which is called Setting Anchor

Neuro-linguistic Programming is the science of maximum achivememt,it officially recognized as a science in certain countries like Ukraine but it is so popular worlwide. NLP refers to the association between the neurological processes in the brain and how it is affected by our thoughts,feelings and behaviours. It studies the connection between language and neurons and how can we do programming to our unconscious mind. Setting Anchors is a good tool for building positive emotions. The easiest way to train your nervous system  to feel  happy , calm or excited is to go into the empowering states that you experienced before then you make a sudden external stimulus that will be associated with that memory and these desired feelings sothat when you need to fire these emotions just stimulate the trigger(the same external stimulus)sothat the same emotions will appear. So to conclude and define what is anchoring we shall mentions that Anchors are learned associations between a specific state and a very specific trigger. You can set anchors for yourself even if you’re feeling uncertain and disempowered. In the key moments when you need to change your state—like in a sales situation—you can trigger a state of certainty

Anchoring Exercise is based on 3 main factors

Intensity of the memory you are stimulating The uniqueness of the external stimulus that you selected to be associated with the memory and emotions Last but not least, the timing factor or when you will do the association.We advise that you will sing or say yes or do a fist when you start feeling the emotions of the memory and keep on the Presence of the stimulus for 5 seconds then let it. This exercise may be new and strange for you but this is usually at first and will take you out of your comfort zone. You may want to do this exercise in a private, comfortable, and familiar room. Also, you will need to do this exercise with your eyes closed to be focused on this psychological mystery. -Focus again on the experience you described previously when you felt absolutely happy, certain, joyful, or calm. -Recall more details about this experience in terms of what you see, hear, smell, feel, and taste. – -When you feel the emotions are rising Say ‘yes’ repeatedly as you recall this experience, and as you feel more certain say ‘yes’ louder and do your associated anchoring move. Continue until you feel 100% certainty. The last key to success with the state anchoring management process is repetition and to keep practicing it every day until it becomes easy, effective, and habitual. Conclusion: Whenever you feel down, remember that you are the captain of the ship who should always be motivated to motivate his team. No shame to feel sad and you should express it as well as asking help and medical advice when needed.