In today’s modern world, the different accreditation’s, certifications, Courses & other means of acquiring highly specific theoretical Knowledge while applying onto real-life situations are endless. With all these options that are out, there its become harder and harder to decide which of these equally amazing options is worth the time and financial investment.
In recent years, the landscape for many such degrees and accolades has considerably shifted and gained momentum in terms of Post Secondary Education. This increase in Post Secondary Education was predicted in a report By Goregetowns University Center about Education & Workforce:
- The report predicted that almost 60% of all jobs in the economy would require some form of post-secondary Education & training.
It is clear in the Recent years that Both Professionals of different fields, Head and Talent hunters alike have been focusing on enlisting the talents of those with relevant and demanded educational & Professional degrees, and here are the numbers to back it up:
Important Statistics:
- According to The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics on employment trends, during the period from May 2007 to May 2010, over 4.8 million jobs were lost in occupations with Just entry Education, high school Diploma or its Equivalent.
- According to The Same Study & within the same period, employment in occupations that typically require Post Secondary Education, for Entry increases over 5.3 Million.
So with all the signals pointing to the rise of Post Secondary Education, we decided to Discuss two of the most Dominant Degrees in our current times. The aforementioned Post-secondary education systems are the MBA (Masters of Business Administration), DBA ( Doctor of Business Administration), their Definitions, Learning Modules, Differences & whats the right option for you.
1. Definition
An MBA is traditionally identified according to as a General Graduate Business Degree that provides its pursuers with several technical, managerial, Project managing & More, Providing them with theoretical & practical training in the ins & outs of running a business.
The definition of a DBA, as per Wikipedia is a research-based doctorate awarded on a group of merits or standards. These standards are advanced Study & Research, examinations, project work & research in the field of Business Administration.
Last But Not Least, A PHD is defined in a way that is similar to that of the DBA however the PHD is usually done after the DBA Certification and is considered to be one of the most Highly coveted academic business degrees
Just by observing the definitions, it’s pretty clear that the MBA has a more commercial nature than that of the PhD or the DBA. This might actually suggest that you’re more likely to find that College educators & students who want to pursue that career taking up a PhD or DBA.
On the other hand, when it comes to the MBA, your gonna probable find business owners, top tier executive & entrepreneurs among the audience
2. Learning Modules
Now let’s talk about the learning module of each of these sought out degrees
- MBA:
The Types of MBA out there can be summarized into 5 main types:
- The Full-time MBA
- The part-time MBA
- Full and Part-time Executive MBA
- Double Degree MBA
- Accelerated or Fast MBA
The usual Duration for an MBA degree Program would usually be either one year for the express or accelerated MBA & two years for the Executive or Full MBA
The subject matters covered by the degree might vary according to the University or business school you’re going to be pursuing your degree at. Some of the common Subjects you’re likely to find are Finance, Accounting, Leadership Communication, Economics & Organizational Behavior to name a few.
- DBA & PhD:
In the doctorate in Business administration, the whole degree all boiled down to one specific Project, which is usually referred to as a dissertation or Thesis.
The thesis usually consists of the body of the original academic research that has been concluded & that, as a principle is suitable for publication in a pre-reviewed journal. The Thesis is later defended by the researcher in front of a panel, this process is called a thesis dissertation
In terms of duration both the DBA & the PhD usually take around three to for years of full-on dedicated studies.
3. Difference Between a DBA & an MBA
It might seem to you that both degrees are the same, and you wouldn’t be mistaken in thinking that. however, there are some slight differences, according to the article written on and here they are:
- Due to the leak of accurate numbers for the number of graduates from BDA programs or MBA ones. To put things in perspective, Franklin University accepts 400 MBAs per year and although the BDA is more sought out it means more will be sold.
- The base salary for an MBA is a six-figure one with the one for the DBA, is not that far off.
- The MBA degree always was considered the golden standard for employment, a willy Wonka’s golden ticket if you may. The DBA has the same effect with some feeling that it brushes up on the prior information they have.
- The MBA although great in its own right, easy to access and pretty general. The DBA is a more specific degree and allows you to hon your research, presentation & writing skills
- The problem-solving methodology in both degrees differs, as MBAs usually focus on providing a somewhat generic, giving a managerial preview. As for the BDA, the research drills down to a specific aspect or area of interest.
Now that we are done with the main differences between the coveted NBA degree and that of the MBA lets move on to the most important question, which one is the best For you and your career.
Get your Prestigious DBA degree and gain an Edge at your workplace for a price of 2,500$
4. Which one is the right one for me?
Ah, so it all comes down to this, this seemingly straightforward question. Ultimately in the world of Business and Postgraduate studies, there isn’t a one suit fits all situation
This means that what you choose to invest your time and money in should only be those you deem as worthy. We could still, however, give you a Personal recommendation based on what we feel will bring your dreams into the realm of reality.
According to Franclin.Edu If your objective is to gain a more general understanding of all the different facets of your business without specializing in a certain or want to improve your management skills the MBA is the way to go.
If your objective, however, is to focus your efforts in the understanding of a specific side of Business while boosting up your writing, research & presentation skills then a DBA is a great option.
In conclusion, the world is filled with great and amazing opportunities for those who seek to better improve themselves and achieve all their goals & Dreams & whether its a DBA or MBA they are both great vehicles to achieve just that.
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