What is the difference between DBA and PhD?

Difference between DBA and PhD, Recent years have seen increased interest in completing graduate studies in administrative fields for many reasons

 In recent years, PhD programs in Business Administration have emerged with the main names Doctor of Philosophy in Management (PhD) or Doctor of Business Administration (DBA).

 Are there differences between them? what is it? Which is better? And why?

What is the difference between DBA and PhD?

The following are the most important differences between the two programs in the form of brief points, bearing in mind that these differences are not critical and that some universities may not clearly differentiate between them.

1- Aims of skills

Both programs aim to build a cadre with advanced research skills with the ability to move forward in conducting scientific research and contribute to cognitive progress.

However, the PhD program is considered to have goals that tend to build the cognitive researcher who searches for cognitive research gaps on theoretical basis (theoretical research gaps)

while the DBA program tends to build applied research skills (aimed at solving problems in the business world such as marketing, production and profitability And more.

2- Audience age

 Mostly, they enroll in PhD programs who wish to advance academically within the framework of research academic institutions (most likely universities) and they may be young people who have completed a master’s degree;

While the DBA program is attended by professional professionals who are managers and heads of companies and workers in them and who wish to Gain a strong theoretical framework that increases their ability to understand and develop the corporate and business environment.

3- Researcher background

According to the previous item, researchers from various professional backgrounds are expected to be enrolled in the DBA program, sometimes those with bachelor’s degrees in non-administrative specializations (such as engineering, health, technology, …) and a master’s degree such as MBA, while those enrolled in the PhD program mostly maintain a path An academic within the administrative disciplines of a Bachelor’s degree as well as an MBA or MPhil degree.

 4- Credit hours

 Therefore, in programs that clearly differentiate between the two programs, those who enroll in the DBA program are required to complete a number of administrative courses that may exceed thirty credit hours in addition to a number of research courses while those who enroll in PhD programs request research courses only or add a lower dose of specialized management courses.

5- Research path

 In both programs, you are required to take a strong research path that maintains scientific sobriety so that you begin to search for a research problem and a gap and then go through stages in which you defend your ideas and end up writing the thesis.

However, remember that PhD owners are looking for a theoretical knowledge research gap that leads them to theoretical research leading to a theoretical contribution, while DBA owners are looking for an applied research problem within the corporate and business environment (Applied research based on real problems in the industry).

6- The conditions for admission

Among the conditions for admission to the DBA program is that you have experience for a relatively large number of years of practice in the corporate and business environment, while PhD programs are often attended by people who do not have long experience and whose goal scientific research and academic work is as previously passed.

7- Scholarships

 scholarships are often given to affiliates of PhD programs by universities because they help them conduct scientific research and increase their academic and research reputation, patents, and others that increase their ability to compete and survive while participants in the DBA programs finance themselves or are funded by their institutions.

8- Where you can get (DBA & PHD)?

 DBA programs are often offered within graduate schools of administration for graduate schools only, while PhD programs are often offered in management, economics, finance and business colleges or management colleges for graduate studies.


If you want to join academic work/research within the frameworks of academic institutions, the closest to you is PhD, and if you want to stay within the business and corporate environment, the closest to you is DBA.

At ECC “Egyptian Culture Center”, we provide DBA program

 In this link, you can check the information related to the access requirements, the admission criteria and tests or the documentation you need to request access.

If you wish, you can also contact us to clarify doubts or expand some type of information.