When you move from your school to your working life, you will discover that no matter how much you know, cause you will start from scratch. the world of business needs to develop your skills and enhance your knowledge and experience to move forward. Although there is no single path to success, reading is one of the most important tools that can draw you the milestones of the way. It does not mean that there is a book that gives you the recipe for success, but what reading does is open your mind and help you understand how things are going better, and therefore you can plan for your success and move steadily towards it.
Here we will show you the five best books in business Administration, if you are a beginner or even want to develop your business, these books will make your business plan better
What the CEO wants you to know ?
From street vendors in simple Indian villages to the largest economic institutions in the world, this is how your journey goes in the book “What the CEO wants you to know?”, was published by the writer Ram Sharan in 2001, he collected the basic aspects of Business administration in all small, medium, and large organizations.
If you are starting your own company or even one of the owners of international organizations, this book is one of the most important books that will give you a closer look at the business administration
From street vendors in simple Indian villages to the largest economic institutions in the world, this is how your journey goes in the book “What the CEO wants you to know?”, was published by the writer Ram Sharan in 2001, he collected the basic aspects of Business administration in all small, medium, and large organizations.
If you are starting your own company or even one of the owners of international organizations, this book is one of the most important books that will give you a closer look at the business administration
Zero to one
If what you offer is not a distinctive solution to a problem facing your customers, you will find yourself in the competition that may end your business
This is what the book “zero to one”, as it represents an important beginning prepared by Peter Thiel for everyone who wants to start a business, you may be skilled but you can’t put your skills in the right place, so if you want to know how to build and manage the most influential companies in the world to make a difference, Start Here.
The Hard Thing about Hard Things
Success does not come by a miracle, that’s how Ben Horowitz started his book, where you always find him emphasizing that continuous hard work and attention to things that have a positive return is the basis of success, you must always know when to try, when to keep trying, and when to stop when you are in the wrong direction. This book is essential to understand the nature of what you are dealing with while managing your projects.
Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
You need to understand what is happening to you, what caused it, and how its result will be.
If you are one of the founders of companies or even seeking to establish one of them, you will find that this is what you should start with, as Simon Sinek explained in his book “Start With Why”, where he directed leaders to explain the reasons for founding their companies, if you explain to those around you what they are doing and how they are doing through clear steps
The integrated approach to leaders preparation
This book comes in the list of the best business administration books, where Dr. Tariq Sweidan put in it the appropriate combination of theoretical rules of business administration along with the practical experience resulting from the training of more than a hundred thousand people on leadership and management, this book is an important step for everyone who wants to push his company for the better!